
October 25, 2013

Craft - Noah


I love the story of Noah.  Ever since I was a little kid I was fascinated that he could live on that ark with all those animals.  I remember always watching documentaries about finding the ark.  It really was only the last couple of years that I realized that the story isn't about an ark and animals.  I wanted to find something that didn't focus so much on the story we all know and love.  I wanted the kids to read between the lines. I didn't want them to wait 45 years before they got the real meaning of the story "God keeps his promises". I looked all over for a good craft. There are tons of them. This is the one I chose to go with
I got the idea from another website.  You need:
  • Paper plates
  • cut outs of Noah and a few animals
  • verse
I cut one paper plate in half and stapled it to a full plate.  Staple the backs together to make a pocket.  If you plan to color then do that before you staples.  It really makes it easier.  I went to DLTK Bible crafts and found some coloring sheets. I copied them into Word and shrunk them down to a quarter sheet.  I traced a thick line around the animals and copied.  The line helps the little kids guiding them as they cut out the animals.  I then went to  Making Friends and printed out paper dolls and cloths to make the Noah.  This took a while, but it is worth it.  We cut everything out and voila! Make sure to have teachers stress the rainbow at the top of the plates.  This is the symbol of God's promise. I will post the templates I used as soon as I find my jump drive :)
Happy Crafting! 


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